Monday, February 8, 2010

Fun w Fran


quick blog tonight~ tired and want to roll with that.
Last week- now had a great Friday work out- except I truly brought shame to myself when I could not string DU's. Sunday I was back on it and stringing sometimes up to 17.... weird
Sunday had fun w gals and my boy Jonny at WL- did the Thruster Wout with 85#- my body said no to 95# and I am and are cool with that- Amy you were amazing - thanks for being right there with me and soo not annoying- your presence was perfect and inspiring. I hope your around next weekend when I go!~ Kerry- hot with the 95#.... your awesome and getting so strong. Erin- killing it lady- and Heather.... working super hard too!

Today- I thought 65# was going to be light- nope!
Ist set of fran unbroken on Thrusters then 5-5-5 and last rd unbroken 9
P-ups diff story- not so good with stringing these still but I am determined damn it!
overall- happy with 6:33 and I know that once I get my p-ups down this time will be down tremendously!~ I will get them better by May and maybe even attempt to have butterfly's by then... reach far or dont reach at all! (In july I did this and was 8:32 with 55#)-

weekend- all over the place not enough energy to write it all!~ no major non-paleo cheats but some alcohol and too much on Friday at concert~ but def over ate at the pot luck and a some at super bowl party- I had a out 1/2 of dark chocolate bar on Sunday too!~ (not sure why I was craving it ... it was organic and delicious)

shake- coffee 11 am

3-4 oz tbreast- lots of greens- 1/2 avocado - 230 pm

wod at 5 pm
post wout
3 oz salmon

2 tbs sun butter
8 0z coconut water

played ultimate 845-1015
drank coconut water throughout prob 8 more oz

late- prob 10:45
spaghetti squash left overs w mix of cx sausage egg plant and port mushrooms w coconut milk

a few minutes ago I was hungry or thought I was and am trying to be better about giving in especially this late- its too late 1 am.... these late ultimate games get me every time!

I'm on call.... no babies no babies----

hope to make in in tomorrow- super light working on skills pretty much only!


Thursday, February 4, 2010


Was not planning on having a rest day but I guess my body just needed it. I could not sleep last night? Not sure why except I was a little bit messed up after my monday all nighter at work and no sleep. I worked today and am on call tonight. I just figured I would relax and hit it hard tomorrow!~ :)

am- 1 hard boiled egg - whoel
2 egg whites
1-2 cups broccoli
10 walnuts

coffee black
water- lots

lunch- lettuce medium-small salad- 1 egg white and 2 thin pieces of ham (work)
side of collard greens and onions

snack- 7 walnuts
1/4 apple and 1tbsp almond butter

dinner- 3-4oz chicken, sauteed onion/bok choy in 1 tbsp coconut oil

I did have one think thin bar during day- between patients- (really read that label and it is not allowed for me anymore- has peanuts etc...) so yummy though...

Tomorrow is a new day and ready to strive to do better and hit it harder!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

cleans kill my sternum!

2 oz turkey breast- 6 blackberries- coffee w 1tsp coco milk

8 almonds/ tiny bit of dried fruit

3 oz salmon- 1 cup brussel sprouts-

prewod- 1 oz slamon- 1 cup b.sprouts
post-wod- 2 oz turkey breast - 1 cup applesauce

1 piece paleo bread- yes walnuts and egg whites ( a friend hooked me up lovely)
with an amazing turkey burger

snack- handful of broccoli and 1 tbs almond butter and 1 tsp sunbutter (could not choose!)

I slept much better and had about 8 hours.... stayed home today and got lots done around my place.... was pumped out for the workout and this is how it went down

heya! Im feeling pretty proud after this WOD-
strength -
cleans-83-93-103(10 reps)
then Metcon: 5rds
jerks- 105# and burpees
time- 8:27

I was a little worked after the cleans but overall happy that I did it RX and my time. I could have done better with Jerks and not looked at the bar or took as many breaths on rounds 2-4... 1st round unbroken and on round 5 I was just pissed so I procrastinated less!!

I also did 3 sets of wall balls with a 12 # ball - 18-15-16
and worked on double unders- they are getting there..... did about 15 consecutive a few times....just need more practice on these- 9days left!!

I think I portion controlled better today.... I will stay focused and keep it up!! I love being held accountable with this blog ohhh yeah and Jess you looked smoking hot today girl- ur all the inspiration a gal needs!!~ way to keep it tight!!!!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

work lots- sleep little

Hi! I just read Kerry's blog about the cat!~ funny... I also read Alison's and she is killing the cleans. I am pretty tired and was not going to write anything but I decided to do a quick recap.

I did the WOD on Monday and it felt good- I was tired already that morning and probably could have pushed harder through a few more reps with the SDHP- 21-15-9 , all my KB unbroken and pretty fast- bjumps 20" (my knee is causing me grief)... it was so delightful not to have pain like this for about a solid month... I am icing again and did take some IB's tonight to see if there is some relief tomorrow. Of course I took my standard dose of lots of fish oils as well!

Today no WOD- vball w the CF team... super fun... broke a tiny sweat but was fun to play. I heart vball... knee was a hindrance.

In between these two events I worked- delivered 2 babies and saw 15 patients in the clinic.
These were not just some regular births... one I had to use a vacuum to assist out and the other one was a woman who it was her 6th baby and she has been using drugs her whole life until october... I mean DRUGS--- crack people.... I actually grew fond of this woman and visa versa during prenatal care and she was just thrilled that she came in on my shift!!~ soooo it was interesting because both babies heart tones were up and down and kept me at the bedside for many hours.... I was glad I was there to help but I def suffered some with sleep, stress, and diet!

I did not cheat but snacked prob a bit too much to stay awake while I should have been sleeping.

Overall nutrition rating = 5 - this is on scale of 1-10 with 10 being my best possible portion controlled paleo diet!!

I cant wait to wout tomorrow... not sure if I am setting an alarm to hit the 9 am or going in for the evening sometime.... I guess I will make that decision in am!
I hope tonight my knee recovers some so I can crush some wall balls without them crushing me!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sunday's are the best day's~


I am tired and ready to crash... Had an eventful few days since I have blogged- lots of work about 5 babies delivered, I worked out Thursday and today- went dancing on Thursday night as well-(ridiculously fun, love me some Reggae and SubT has yummy reggae on Thursday nights).
I took Friday and Sat off and kind of by accident but my body needed a break.
I will say I did have a few drinks on Sat night and that was a cheat but my diet has been really strict paleo and it has been full of deliciousness. Tonight Kerry and I made our own rendition of lasanga- it had lamb sausage and tons of veggies and we put it over spaghetti squash!~ yup delicious!!

Today I went to WL and did the amrap- I felt really strong with the 95# but my p-ups were not CTB- I had them last week or so when I went in on Sat?
My goal this week is to work on reg kipping p-ups- double unders- and some CTB.

I have only one slight problem, my knee is sore! I m pretty bummed about it considering it usually feels better by Wednesday after ultimate on Mon nights~ I already have my ultimate gear packed and it has my knee brace there and ready to go!!

PUMPED up- I was out on Sat night w bunch of people - acquaintances and they are from windy city CF. There is a big group goings as spectators- it made it much more real for me and I see how much work I need to be putting in or to keep the drive going!~ I have never done a competition like this, surely I have had many athletic events, but I am very excited for sectionals now!

Thats all for now, going to try to hit am class prework and then go straight to ultimate... then I am on call.... wish me a night tomorrow without any babies being born!

-more focused MOE

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

first kicked in the face- then I kicked some ass!

HA.... while my above title at least the first part is true- I was supporting a mom today during the end of her labor and she was lets just say very fiesty and nonetheless she kicked me in the face! The birth ended up being wonderful and safe and I was very glad to have been there with her. I then attended one other birth which also was a bit taxing and stressful - but no face kicking- sooo I was pumped up to get out in time to with the WOD.

I was definitely intimidated by the WOD because I knew it was going to be heavy- but I was also excited to get it in after seeing Kerry work so hard at it last night..

DL- did off CFT #225 (had PR at #250 prev)
my 3rd set was at 82# and I did 20 reps- could have prob done more but was getting fatigued.

metcon: 5 rounds of 7 reps of-
95# hang squat cleans and burpees

Man... it was heavy but more form felt pretty good and I just read Bryce's blog and as he said just pick the shit up... I did not fail once and I did fine once I picked up the bar. I most def was not strong enough to string multiple from the hang clean position except for the first set I did about 5 consecutive from the hang position then lost my grip. Most of the rest were from the ground and singles. Weight got heavy and from the squat position on the 4th set I had to push to stand straight. Burpees were fine but slowed down on set 4 and 5.

I had fun tonight and I think that is the most important!

FOOD: ( I love food by the way)
am- one egg white, two tsp of coconut mile and 1/4 of a mango
black coffee

afternoon: 3-40z tuna steak and veggies (free at work and awesome)

prewod:- 2oz tuna steak and mixed greens/ h20

postwod:- 2-3 oz t breast- 1 small cup of applesauce organic

45 min later - 10 walnuts/ 5 almonds

840 pm- 6 oz chili (finally gone! :( ) 1 big tbsp guacamole and veggies in chili

945 pm... still hungry ---?? ---- my aunt flo is coming and I get hungry! I had 1-2 tbsp almond butter and a few brocolli crowns

now- h20 and sleepy time tea

I am working on call tomorrow but hope to make it in to do todays WOD....
Im getting addicted!~ hell's yeah!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

awhhh jeahhhh

That means ... things are good. Ha... I am sitting in bed and super sleepy- pager quiet (all night please) next to me, icing my knee! I was already in bed and decided it was just the right thing to get up and get the dang ice. Last week I promised I would not play ultimate without a brace and last night sure enough... I played without a brace... felt it all day and through out work out. I then played vball . I had so much fun though the last 30 hrs while I was playing sports and at CF of course that I am hoping I learn my lesson and by tomorrow I am crushing the rx squat cleans!~ looked like a killer workout and I am pumped for the challenge.

Today I did way better with portion control!~ that is somehow getting easier... (hopefully this lasts)
am- a few tbs of chili (buffalo style w mad yummy veggies) - 2 celery stalks- and a tbs of coconut milk
coffee black

afternoon snack- 10 walnuts and 10 almonds throughout day between patients
2 oz turkey breast- low sodium

Lunch- 2 oz t breast- spinach- 3 celery stalks and 2 dipped in fabulous guacamole from the mexican spot... p.s. 5$ for a bigg ass container- super fresh! (they look at me funny when I turn down the chips and fixings!)

pre WOD- Kambucha trilogy drink

post WOD- sashimi/ legal roll with Kerry from WFoods- with few bites of Kale mix


Late night snack-
6 oz chili
1/2 cup coconut mild w 1/2 mango mixed..... (OMG- sensational)

tons of water throughout day


press= 55-65-70(7)- my press is getting stronger- yay!

KBS- 35#---32,30,30
DU- not sure max 17
WB not sure but sloppy and tired

total= 187

Dunders are coming but with practice I KNOW I can get them rockstar style... gots to practice
WB--- I was feeling whooped and it showed.

ended with HSPU's 2 ab mats
actually was happy with that.... could get stronger with these of course of course.

I am looking forward to sleeping tonight and hitting the 9am or 4 pm tomorrow hopefully!